I have a friend who has Latvian routes but he lives in Australia. He is one of our most faithful blog article readers. He gave me an idea to reflect our nations relationship with music.
First of all if and when you visit Latvia you will hear expression about Latvians ” Singing Nation” I guess we are. Not all but most of the people like to sing, and many are members of choirs. As a nation we keep our selves to ourselves so singing provides this much needed expression of our feelings and emotions.
When did it all begin? I guess it was hundreds of years ago when Latvian peasants would preach to their surroundings before Christianity was brought here. Every job in the farm yard was easier to be done with a song. Sure thing you will not see a guy in the office singing as he writes e mails today but when he returns home that might change:)
In this article i will try to insert Latvian music that i personally like. It will be from classic music to rock and all in between. I will make it a series of articles with different names – first one – “Serious and spiritual music”
- Latvian song and dance festival – here is a good description about this event that happens only once in five years. And two great songs. First is “Lec Saulīte” by Raimonds Tiguls and music of Jāzeps Vītols “Gaismas pils”
- “Pērkons” or thunder is a rock legend, this is a song called “Zaļā dziesma” from 1988, singer Ieva Akurātere. When i listen to it i connect with spirit of bravery and desire to be free that people longed for at that time, just before we regained our country in 1990.
- This is “Svētvakars”, just listen to it! Raimonds Pauls composer, lyrics Imants Ziedonis, sang by Andris Bērziņš. Lyrics
- This next one is a Latvian folk song “Div dūjiņas” especially popular amongst Latvian soldiers beginning of the 20st century. This actual version is from a movie “Dvēseļu putenis” in 2019. I love it! Singer Jānis Aišpurs, music by Reinis Sējāns.
I hope you will find time and desire to listen to one or two of these and i wish you inspire and it would not leave you indifferent!
In contrast of this first one, in a week or so part 2. That one i will make with very happy music!:)